
Showing posts from January, 2016
GetASCII Application Download                                 American Standard Code for Information Interchange,Hexadecimal,octal ,binary values of your character will be displayed in this GetASCII Android Application

Addition of two numbers in android public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener{ private EditText editText,editText2,editText4;     int v1,v2,v3;     String s="ans" ; private Button button;     @Override     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);         setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);          button=(Button)findViewById(;         button.setOnClickListener(this);     }     @Override     public void onClick(View v)     {         editText=(EditText)findViewById(;         editText2=(EditText)findViewById(;         editText4=(EditText)findViewById(;          v1=Integer.parseInt(editText.getText().toString());          v2=Integer.parseInt(editText2.getText().toString());          v3=v1+v2;               s=String.valueOf(v3);         editText4.setText(s) ;     }     @Override     public boolean onC

Karpagam Routes Andorid app @play store

view Karpagam Routes

Java code to send email

import java . util .*; import javax . mail .*; import javax . mail . internet .*; import javax . activation .*; public class SendEmail { public static void main ( String [] args ) { // Recipient's email ID needs to be mentioned. String to = "" ; // Sender's email ID needs to be mentioned String from = "" ; // Assuming you are sending email from localhost String host = "localhost" ; // Get system properties Properties properties = System . getProperties (); // Setup mail server properties . setProperty ( "" , host ); // Get the default Session object. Session session = Session . getDefaultInstance ( properties ); try { // Create a default MimeMessage object. MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage ( session ); // Set From: header

Calculate time zones of various parts of world

GOTO to calculate time

calculate time of difrent zones in the world

Calendar calendar = Calendar . getInstance (); TimeZone fromTimeZone = calendar . getTimeZone (); TimeZone toTimeZone = TimeZone . getTimeZone ( "CST" ); calendar . setTimeZone ( fromTimeZone ); calendar . add ( Calendar . MILLISECOND , fromTimeZone . getRawOffset () * - 1 ); if ( fromTimeZone . inDaylightTime ( calendar . getTime ())) { calendar . add ( Calendar . MILLISECOND , calendar . getTimeZone (). getDSTSavings () * - 1 ); } calendar . add ( Calendar . MILLISECOND , toTimeZone . getRawOffset ()); if ( toTimeZone . inDaylightTime ( calendar . getTime ())) { calendar . add ( Calendar . MILLISECOND , toTimeZone . getDSTSavings ()); } System . out . println ( calendar . getTime ());
Google I/O is for developers - the creative coders who are building what's next. Each year, we explore the latest in tech, mobile & beyond. GOOGLE IO  15

Etc android app

Download My android app to send message via bluetooth This app allows you to send message via Bluetooth and other feasible apps like share it etc
AndroChef Java Decompiler U can retrieve your source from class file, apk too With AndroChef Java Decompiler you can decompile apk., dex, jar and java class-files. It's simple and easy. AndroChef Java Decompiler is Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 decompiler for Java that reconstructs the original source code from the compiled binary CLASS files. AndroChef Java Decompiler is able to decompile the most complex Java 6 applets and binaries, producing accurate source code. AndroChef successfully decompiles obfuscated Java 6, Java 7 and Java 8 .class and .jar files. Support Java language features like generics, enums and annotations. According to some studies, AndroChef Java Decompiler is able to decompile 98.04% of Java applications generated with traditional Java compilers- a very high recovery rate. It is simple but powerful tool that allows you to decompile Java and Dalvik bytecode (DEX, APK) into readable J
AndroChef Java Decompiler U can retrieve your source from class file, apk too With AndroChef Java Decompiler you can decompile apk., dex, jar and java class-files. It's simple and easy. AndroChef Java Decompiler is Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 decompiler for Java that reconstructs the original source code from the compiled binary CLASS files. AndroChef Java Decompiler is able to decompile the most complex Java 6 applets and binaries, producing accurate source code. AndroChef successfully decompiles obfuscated Java 6, Java 7 and Java 8 .class and .jar files. Support Java language features like generics, enums and annotations. According to some studies, AndroChef Java Decompiler is able to decompile 98.04% of Java applications generated with traditional Java compilers- a very high recovery rate. It is simple but powerful tool that allows you to decompile Java and Dalvik bytecode (DEX, APK) into readable Java source.
Accessing a Home Laptop Remotely from Android November 1, 2010 ↔ no comments Accessing a Home Laptop Remotely from Android Share Tweet + 1 Mail Consider this: You’re on vacation in the Maldives, when your office calls, with an urgent request for some files and information. These happen to be on your laptop, which is at home! If you’ve had a holiday ruined like this, here are some simple steps that help you connect to your remote laptop securely, if you have left it on and connected to the Internet — or if someone at home can switch it on for you. For clarity, we have used a scenario where you have a smartphone running Google Android, and will use that to access your laptop, which is running Ubuntu Lucid. The laptop is connected to the Internet via a broadband connection, and the phone has some wireless access (Wi-Fi, 3G, GPRS, etc) to the Internet. The basic idea in this article can, however, be extended to different operating systems and client devices. So