Population API


Access Restrictions

All endpoints are free and publicly accessible to everyone from everywhere.


All endpoints take only GET HTTP requests, with all arguments given as path parameters (in the URL).


The response format depends on the 'Accept' header.
The standard response format is JSON (application/json) with CORS for cross-domain requests.
Alternatively, you can request JSONP (application/javascript). Use the query parameter 'callback' to change the callback function name.
All endpoints can also return HTML (text/html) to support experimentation in the browser. Additionally, there's an API browser (what you are seeing right now) that allows exploration of all endpoints.
All endpoints set the Cache-Control header. The endpoint URL and the Accept header are the only variable values required to determine a cache hit.

Date and Offset Formats

Dates are accepted and returned in the ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. That is, a four-digit year, a two-digit month and a two-digit day, separated by hyphens. Valid examples are: 1952-03-11 and 1969-07-20.
A special format called 'offset' is used across the API. Offsets can take one of two different forms: they can either be given as a simple number, in which case this number is assumed to represent a certain number of days. Alternatively, a string in the format '##y##m##d' can be used to represent a certain number of years, months and days. All three parts are optional, but at least one has to be given. Valid examples are: 468 (468 days), 3y11m5d (3 years, 11 months and 5 days), 25y1d (25 years and 1 day), 6m (six months).


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